For thousands of years, people have lived their lives according to the different phases of the moon ~ farmers would know when to plant their seed and harvest their crops, nomadic tribes would use the moon as a timekeeper of when best to hunt, gather and migrate, and women would track their menstrual cycle with the hope of bringing new life into the world.
The moon completes a full cycle around the earth every 27.3 days with the new moon appearing every 29.5 days. The moon reflects light from the sun throughout each of the ( 8 ) different stages of the cycle but if you’re anything like me, the full moon is what brings the most wonder and awe.
From a young age, I always believed the moon was magical and I hoped that one day, she would reveal her secrets and share her mysteries. As a young girl, I would always light a candle and make a wish upon a full moon, without realizing it, this was my ritual and as an adult, not much has changed ~ I still light candles, have a long bath and make a wish!
Today, we welcome the new moon and the beginning of the new lunar cycle. The new moon is a time for new beginnings, a time to set your intentions and goals for the coming month and a time to manifest! Spend a few minutes on your own this evening, if you can, to clear your mind and soak up her energy.
If you would like to use the moon as your guide, the first quarter is where things really start to happen as you take action and show your commitment and determination towards achieving your goal ~ this is all about, you versus you!
The full moon will arrive mid-way through the lunar cycle, and this can often be a highly emotional and highly charged period. This is a time for self-love as you look inwards and be grateful for all that you have and all that you are. The full moon may also be a time of spiritual awakenings, forgiveness, and healing and it may also be the perfect opportunity to release anything that is weighing you down or no longer serves you.
If you would like to begin a full moon ritual of your own, consider a moon meditation, writing in a journal, lighting a candle, or charging your crystals under the energy of the full moon.
The last quarter is a time of adjustment and provides you with a quiet space to rest as the moon fades into darkness. Take this opportunity to re-set and re-charge your mind, body, and soul in preparation for the celebration and birth of the new moon and the next lunar cycle.
The moon has a timeless quality that connects us to each other and to ourselves and has a gentle way of reminding us that change is inevitable as we make our way through this life and the next.
Warm wishes
Linda x